This is for Netflix movies with subtitles (Not Movie Theaters) and then when English is spoken there are no subtitles shown. When this happens, I immediately rewind to the spot where English is spoken and turn on the "online" AVA on my computer screen. The AVA captions go on top of my Netflix movie which works really well. However, there was a new update with the AVA which I did today. For some reason, when I turn on the AVA to read the captions - pictures in Netflix disappear and I am unable to watch the movie video - Something is wrong with the new update on AVA and I want to go back to the older version because it was working great with Netflix on my computer monitor. I had to reboot my computer, to turn back on the Netflix. I tried it again with AVA - it still happens. There is a flaw with the update in AVA that needs to be fixed. Thanks.